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Europa Prime

Welcome to Europa

Congratulations!  You've made the 350 million-mile journey from Earth!

Are you ready to expand your mind, to learn things no human has learned before, to travel further and deeper than any human before you?

Then you are ready for Europa Prime!

Let's drill into the details...

Learn all about the Europa Clipper Mission that inspired this game.

Europa Clipper


The Ice Crust

The surface of Europa is an ice shell 15km deep.  The average temperature will be a bone chilling -260°F.  But luckily, you'll be safe inside the base station, at least until you descend through the ice!

The full experience is coming soon.  Solve the mysteries of the surface, to figure out a way to go below the ice in our puzzle solving, escape room style game for all.

Europa Prime


Meet the Crust

The surface of Europa is an ice shell 15km deep.  The average temperature will be a bone chilling -260°F.  But luckily, you'll be safe inside the base station, where you will descend about 10km through the ice to the ocean depths to chat with the Minos, the first intelligent alien lifeform every found.

At approximately 15 miles below the surface, you'll find the observatory, connected to the surface by a supersonic elevator shaft.

This is the maximum depth you'll physically be able to virtually travel... but fret not, you can go deeper via our three dimensional visualization room.

Ocean Observatory

Version 2.0 is coming soon, and in this version we go below the ice in a puzzle solving, escape room style game for all.

Ice Shelf

Europa is customizable

This edutainment game allows users to tweak the settings to their liking and was designed as part of an NSF-funded project (#2005447) researching and developing a STEM-based VR game for a broad audience, including neurodivergent players.

The Water Deep

Once you've penetrated the ice, the ocean beneath is believed to contain twice the water of Earth's oceans, and likely descends for over 100 miles (150km).

Can you help identify which Minos need tagging and perfect your aim?


Minos Hunt

A special 4 level mini game to understand how users interact


Evaluation Build

The first 7 minutes of the full game experience.


Research Build

This is not the end....
Try our educational MINI games too!

At approximately 150 miles below the surface, you'll hit the bottom of the largest water ocean in our solar system.

Owing to the lower gravity of Europa, the deep sea pressure is likely to be only a bit more than found on Earth's deepest ocean trenches.

Ocean Floor

Europa includes STEM puzzles, escape rooms, informational interactions,and a fully customizable experience to ensure tend users are in full control

Customizable Gaming 

Developed EdGE at TERC,, as part of an NSF-funded project (#2005447) researching and developing a STEM-based VR game for a broad audience, including neurodivergent players.

Come Explore

EP aka uniVRsal Prime is part of a collaboration between MXTreality & TERC to broaden participation in informal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) learning for all, yet with a special focus on neuro-diverse and autistic learners through the magic offered via virtual reality.

Europa Prime

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